
When Dinosaurs Roamed the Valley: A Short History of Dinosaur Footprints in the Connecticut River Valley
by Robert L. Herbert, edited by Sarah L. Doyle


The story of the discovery and interpretation of dinosaur footprints from 1820-1850 in the Connecticut River Valley of Western Massachusetts by Edward Hitchcock and others. Published June 2017; 28 pages.

At Arms’ Length:
The Photography of Masha Arms

by Suzanne L. Flynt, Curator
Memorial Hall Museum
$19.99  $17.00
Now available at 15% off

Poetry-to-the-Earth-100dpiPoetry to the Earth:
The Arts and Crafts Movement in Deerfield

by Suzanne L. Flynt, Curator
Memorial Hall Museum
$60   $45

Now available at 25% off — a $15 savings.

Poetry to the Earth, written by Curator of Memorial Hall Museum Suzanne Flynt, chronicles the extraordinary story of how Arts and Crafts transformed this western Massachusetts farming village into a leading crafts center.

Slavery in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts
by Robert H. Romer, 286 pages
In this first history of slavery in western Massachusetts in colonial times, Robert H. Romer demonstrates that slavery was pervasive in the Pioneer Valley in the 1700’s, where many of the ministers and other “important people” owned black slaves.

Mr. and Mrs. Prince
How an Extraordinary Eighteenth-Century Family Moved Out of Slavery and Into Legend
by Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina, 256 pages

Romance Remedies & Revolution
The Journal of Dr. Elihu Ashley of Deerfield, Massachusetts, 1773-1775

edited by Amelia Miller & A.R. Riggs, 451 pages
“This book provides the reader with that rare and wonderful thing—a window on the lives of ordinary people in a time of high historical significance. Vivid, entertaining, and moving, it chronicles the coming to manhood of a high-spirited young New Englander bound for the medical profession on the eve of the American Revolution. Along with his daily activities, his interests, enthusiasms, and passions come sharply into focus, as does the world through which he moved. Richly detailed and superbly edited by two fine historians, Romance, Remedies, and Revolution: The Journal of Dr. Elihu Ashley of Deerfield, Massachusetts, 1773-1775 is both an important addition to the historical literature of the period and a delight to read.”
Robert F. Dalzell, Jr., Ephraim Williams Professor of American History, Williams College

Ornamental and Useful Accomplishments
Education and Deerfield Academy 1800-1830
by Suzanne L. Flynt, Soft cover, 65 pages, 42 illustrations
Now Available!
An out-of-print exhibition catalog chronicling the needlework and paintings created by female students at Deerfield Academy in its first three decades.
Published by Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association and Deerfield Academy, 1988

Samuel Willard
Minister, Educator, Musician, Agent of Change
by Nancy M. Lee
A brief biography of Rev. Samuel Willard

The Allen Sisters
Pictorial Photographers 1885 – 1920

by Suzanne L. Flynt, 196 pages, 100 tritone and 40 duotone images, cloth.
Frances Stebbins Allen and Mary Electa Allen were recognized as two of the “Foremost Women Photographers in America” in 1901. Working within Deerfield, Massachusetts’ Arts and Crafts movement, the Allen sisters created exquisite photographs for turn-of-the-century exhibitions and publications. Their idealized images of figure and child studies, landscapes, and country life in New England are joined by photographs taken while traveling to Great Britain in 1908 and California in 1916. The compelling story of Frances and Mary’s lives and careers are documented in this 2002 publication. The illustrated biography includes 140 reproductions of idealized photographs of figure and child studies, country life, and landscapes of New England, Great Britain and California. The foreword is by Naomi Rosenblum, author of The History of Women Photographers.
American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) Certificate of Commendation / Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities Ninth Annual Book Prize, 2002 / New England Museum Association Publications Design Award, First Place: Books over

The Boy Captive in Canada
by Mary P. Wells Smith, 352 pages
This book completes the tale of Stephen Williams’ captivity among the French and Indians begun in The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield. Abducted at Deerfield and later separated from his family, Stephen was forced to march with a small band of Indians through the Green Mountains to Lake Champlain. Stephen survived cold, hunger, exhaustion and the despair of a captive. He learned Indian ways from his friend, Kewakcum, and lived as an Indian child for more than one year. The account of his struggle to survive is an authentic story of life in frontier New England at the beginning of the Eighteenth Century.

Family & Landscape
Deerfield Homelots
from 1671
by Susan McGowan and Amellia F. Miller, 224 pages
Soft cover: $39.95
Hard cover: $59.95
This detailed and complex study is a story of how people have shaped a New England townscape over more than three centuries, dividing and combining property as opportunity and need arose. It is a history punctuated by family life cycles, community events, and far-off decisions of European monarchs. In the landscape and the lot histories are the stories of marriages, economic woes and triumphs, disease and epidemics, untimely fires, ethnic change, warfare, and institutional growth. Understanding these lot histories requires historic context, for the history of individual lots emphasizes human agency and choice, not just the patterns of culture or events.
Soft cover:

Hard cover:


A History of Deerfield (2 volumes)

Lucy Terry Prince Singer of History

‘Tis Sixty Years Since

The Pocumtuck Housewife

Hadley Chests Catalog

Memorial Hall Museum Video

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