Ensign John Sheldon House, 1699 “Old Indian House” Painted by George Washington Mark, 1848. One of the houses that survived the attack of 1704.
You are cordially invited to join the
1704 Legacy Society
at the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation of responsible and caring citizens who have remembered PVMA in their estate plans.
Click here for the online form to
join the 1704 Legacy Society
Questions? Read below or contact: Timothy Neumann 413-774-7476, ext. 100 or
10 Memorial Street P.O. Box 428 Deerfield, MA 01342-0428
Click here for a form you can print out, complete and mail.
Learn more below about PVMA and how your bequest will enrich all aspects of PVMA programming…
The Mission of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association
PVMA preserves and communicates the multi-cultural history of the Connecticut and Deerfield River Valleys of Western Massachusetts. The museum collects and exhibits cultural artifacts made and/or used in the region and interprets them in a national context. These collections, spanning 12,000 years of history, are maintained for the education of the general public and as research tools for scholars. PVMA began collecting donated items and opened Memorial Hall and Library in 1880 dedicated using Lincoln’s famous words “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Meet some of the individuals who have remembered us in their wills.
Planned gifts fund our beloved PVMA, Memorial Hall Museum, and Indian House Children’s Museum (a replica of the 1699 Sheldon House) and ensure that they will be present for the children and grandchildren of the next generations to enjoy.
PVMA provides services in eight areas:
- Museums
- Education Programs
- Teacher Professional Development
- On-line Programs
- Cultural & Living History Events
- Historic Preservation
- Publishing
- Research Library
Your bequest will ensure the continuity of these important programs.
Many of our members, donors, and friends have provided a legacy of hope in their estate plans for the continuation of the PVMA. Often, we do not learn of the bequest by will until the individual has passed on. We would like to thank and recognize such individuals NOW for their lasting generosity and long-term commitment.
HOW DO I BECOME A MEMBER OF THE 1704 LEGACY SOCIETY? Simply click the link and compete the online form. A printable form can be downloaded here. See below for more information on how to complete the form. Details of your bequest will be confidential unless permission is granted by you to make it public.
- Percent or fraction of your estate
- Specific dollar amount
- Residuary Beneficiary (after your loved ones have been provided for, you may choose to designate some or all of the remainder of your estate to PVMA)
- Contingent Beneficiary (should your beneficiaries be unable to inherit, PVMA can be named a contingent beneficiary)
- Beneficiary or Contingent Beneficiary (on your life insurance, IRA, or other contractual asset)
I hereby give to Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association:
- (5-10-20%) of my estate… or
- the sum of ($5,000, $10,000, etc.) … or
- the residue of my estate…
*Please consult your attorney.

Your donations are used with great care to support our programs. PVMA received a gold rating on Candid (GuideStar). Less than five percent of non-profits registered with Candid are recognized with a Gold Seal. A Gold Seal status is the leading symbol of non-profit transparency and accountability.
PVMA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
Click here for the online form to
join the 1704 Legacy Society
Contact: Timothy Neumann 413-774-7476, ext. 100 or
10 Memorial Street P.O. Box 428 Deerfield, MA 01342-0428